Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The editor's son

I've been taking Milo and Max to an art class every now and then on Saturday mornings. The younger group, 4 to 7, studies a particular artist each class, looking at some of his or her work and talking a little about his or her style and influences. Then they do a project related to that artist.

This Saturday the class talked about Picasso. After the class, the first story Milo told me was that the instructor mentioned that Picasso's first word was "lapiz" (or "pencil"). "So I told her that I bet his second word was 'borrador' (or 'eraser')."

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sunday drive conversation

Another anecdote ...

So we're in the car, and Milo asks me, "Do you know the song 'Video Killed the Radio Star?'"

I say, "Yeah, I know that song. It's a pretty old one."

Milo: "Did you know there's a new song, 'The Internet Killed the Video Star?'"

Me, chuckling: "No, I haven't heard that one."

Milo: "I wonder who will kill the Internet star."

Max: "Ninjas."

When 'I love you' goes wrong

An anecdote I've wanted to share ...

So Milo, Max and I are settling in for book time before bed one night recently, and Milo tells me, "I love you, Dad." This isn't particularly unusual for Milo. He's pretty affectionate, and routinely will pause to tell me he loves me. On the other hand, Max is never moved to such displays. Every now and then, I'll get a "me, too" from him after I tell him, "I love you, Max."

So in my typical reply, I tell Milo, "I love you, too, Milo" and give him a hug. But this time, he asks me, "Do you know why I tell you that?"

I say, "No, why?"

"Because you're going to die someday, and I won't have a chance to tell you anymore."

Um ... "That's true, Milo. It's a good idea to tell people how you feel when you can."

Max thinks quietly for a bit, then blurts out, "I love you, Dad."